August 16, 2008 at 3:00 am | Posted in HONG KONG | Leave a comment


Last night, Raymond and Vincy were guest performers at TVB8’s music event. Mandarin was the main language of conversation at the event. Raymond’s Mandarin was just as fluent as Vincy’s. He expressed that 10 years ago, he was once a host for a Mandarin program, so being paired up with Vincy to sing a new Mandarin duet was not a hard task for him. However, the pair has just received the lyrics for the song last week. Last night was the first time that the pair sang their new song publicly. Even though they’ve already memorized the lyrics very well, they were still very nervous, afraid that they would forget everything once they were on stage. This is the first time that Raymond and Vincy collaborated with each other. That night they wore matching outfits, consisting of knee-high pants. Revealing his hairy legs, Raymond stole the limelight. 

Source: Ming Pao
Translated: mv_288@asianfanatics
Please credit if reposted 

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